The Club Handicap

About The Club Handicap

Date:             Wednesday 21st August 2024
Start Time:   Registration from 6:00 onwards. First runners out will start at 7:00 pm, other start times will vary.
Entry: Entries will be taken on the day. We ask for an entry fee of £2 and a £5 gift which will be deposited on the Prize table.
Number/Chip Collection : Registration (number only) collection is based at The Pavillion, Bowlee Country Park M24 4QG
Start: The start will take place at 7:00pm on the adjoining sports field before joining the course proper.
Minimum age: 16 years old, and U18 year old runners only accepted with signed parental consent form available at registration.
Prizes:  The first runner home will get 1st choice from the awards on display and so on until all the awards are gone.
Description: This is a Middleton Harriers Club members-only event which we open to guests by special request.

The idea behind this event is to get everyone in a sprint finish at the end. To achieve this we stagger the start with the slower runners setting off at timed intervals, so that by the time they have completed the 5K course, the faster runners will have caught up with them. The result should be a mass sprint at the end!
The start times of each runner will be based on previous 5K and 10K times that they have achieved during the previous Club Championship races.
The handicap time will be deducted from the overall time to give an accurate 5K time for each runner and it is this time that will be counted in the Club Championship. Enjoy!
Entries on the night: £2.00